A cheatsheet for parents feeling resentful

(even if they don't mean to)



A cheatsheet for parents feeling resentful

(even if they don't mean to)

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In this cheatsheet, I'll walk you through:

  • What is resentment

  • How it may be showing up as a symptom for something else

  • 4 steps to go from resentment to reconnection

  • Guiding questions to help you uncover the source of your resentment

  • Reconnection strategies

I've been where you are, feeling resentful of my partner, my life, even my friends. Parenthood has a strange way of dredging up feelings and responses we never thought we had to deal with.

So I know it's not how you want to feel and I know how deep it can run. Don't beat yourself up.

I've unpacked my resentment, now let me help you unpack yours.

x Trina

I've been where you are, feeling resentful of my partner, my life, even my friends. Parenthood has a strange way of dredging up feelings and responses we never thought we had to deal with.

So I know it's not how you want to feel and I know how deep it can run. Don't beat yourself up.

I've unpacked my resentment, now let me help you unpack yours.

x Trina





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